Controversy at Indian Zoo Over Lion Names

Indian zoo asked to change lions’ ‘blasphemous’ names

An Indian zoo has been asked to change the names of its two lions after a religious group claimed that the names were blasphemous.

The lions, named Shiva and Parvati, are currently housed at the Ahmedabad Zoo in the state of Gujarat. However, a local Hindu group has objected to the names, saying that they are inappropriate for lions as they are considered sacred figures in Hinduism.

The group has demanded that the zoo change the names of the lions to something more appropriate. They have also threatened to take legal action if their demands are not met.

The zoo has not yet responded to the group’s demands, but it is likely that they will comply in order to avoid any potential backlash.

This incident highlights the delicate balance that zoos must strike when naming their animals, especially when dealing with religious or cultural sensitivities.

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